Craggy, 98, Professional bring back flogging advocate, comments:

Apart from systematically dismembering our National Health Service as an apparent hobby of successive Governments of both persuasions I write to mention a piece I read in todays Telegraph (or Independant I forget which). It was only a small article about the death of a mother and child as they crossed a pedestrian crossing and were killed by a 16 year old car thief in a stolen vehicle. Skipping any preamble I'll get straight to the point - 4 and a half years! For "manslaughter" ? So take away the 6 months already served on remand that leaves 4 years.Then add the fast track overcrowded penal system we have been reduced to , and "good behaviour" this little piece of scum will be out in about 18 months to reoffend having the slaughter of 2 innocents paid for apparently by this pathetic punishment. The charge should have been murder and the sentence life. With patheticly inadequate sentencing on this type of crime (don't get me started on guns and knives!) the people of this country are getting unfortunately what they deserve for voting in crowd pleasing politicians who haven't the backbone to stand up for this country and the people they are supposed to be serving. Hug a hoodie? bloody flog the bastard.

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